Friday, December 28, 2012

Adopt A Family

I know, I know. You've probably been asking where I have been. I'm still here. Everything is just crazy busy right now. Isn't it always like that around the holidays?

Well, let's start in November. *image blurs*

Our work does a Adopt-a-Family every year, and ever studio heads up a different activity for our work. This year, our studio did Adopt-A-Family.
Earlier in the year (is this going to be another image blur?), I did some searching for local non-profit organizations. I had found Cancer Action KC.
They head up a "Making Wishes Come True" (which is their Adopt-A-Family) for families that a member of the family with cancer and are in poverty.

We were aiming high, and we decided to adopt FIVE families! Apparently, in the past only 30% of the employees help to purchase items for the families. I don't blame them, we already have families that our church, neighborhood, etc. adopt as it is.
But this year, we decided to do it a little bit differently. We let the office know the families they are helping, and what cancer they had, etc.

We did a bake sale to purchase a little extra (or if the presents weren't purchased, we'd use the bake sale money to purchase).
bake sale in the kitchen

It was such a big success! All the gifts wished for were purchased, and some beyond!
Look at all these amazing presents! These weren't even all of them either!!!!

I'm so proud to work for the company that I do, and so proud of my fellow employees who made this Christmas amazing for these amazing families!

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